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My name is Melanie Leigh Warner, and I am a certified health coach, along with my husband (Jerry Warner, pictured with me here). A little about myself, I have a solid background in both Psychology and Science (with a B.A. in Psychology and B.S. in Genetic Engineering from Cedar Crest College).  We studied at the MacDonald Center for Obesity Prevention and Education (COPE) for our health coach certification. I’ve been passionate about helping people my whole life, I’ve lived in Africa, as a Diagnostic Specialist of Opportunistic Diseases, but I found HIV prevention education and proper nutrition more beneficial to that community then diagnostics.  Seeing how the power of food was helping my HIV/AIDS patients more than medicine, I decided to study nutrition further. Having struggled with my own weight over the years (after losing a parent and giving birth to my two children) and the effects of emotional mindless eating, I also realized the value of the behavioral side of establishing healthy eating habits.  Thus, after losing over 60 pounds myself in 14 weeks (my husband losing 60lbs in 16 weeks), I became a walking billboard and everyone wanted to know “how I did it” and “could I help them”. Having personally lost two parents to poor health in 10 years, helping people regain hope, that improving their health is possible, became very meaningful to me. Hence, we (my husband and I) established a transformational health coaching business to help others improve their health.  We personally have 100s of clients that have successfully achieved their weight loss goals and beyond while working with us. So many of our clients have seen their primary physicians throughout their weight loss journey and their physicians have been pleased with their progress, results, and supportive care. So remember anything is possible and we love making the seemingly impossible, possible right before your eyes.


I wanted to tell you a little bit about myself and the kind of work I do. It is clear to me I have a responsibility to help as many people as possible, evolve into the greatest versions of themselves. My life is not perfect by any means, but I have taken responsibility for my life and stopped using blame to try and change myself.  Instead, I have found awakening my infinite potential to create the life I desire, the most freeing experience of my life. I know that having experienced everything that I have, has brought me the skills I need to bring value to others who are struggling (and those on autopilot that do NOT even know they are settling) that is priceless.  I feel I have been given a gift to awaken others to Stretch Beyond Impossible and unlock the infinite potential within you. What dreams and/or goals have you not gone after because you just don’t have the energy to invest in yourself or because you are afraid to step outside of your comfort zone? Never settle, always seek growth and improvement to become the greatest version of yourself.  What if we could empower you to take back control of your life? End the over-desire for food without any supplements and then begin using that freed energy for really blowing your mind? Or if you have your eating habits under control, it might be regaining control over other thoughts, feelings, and actions to break free of what’s holding you back and create the life you desire. What if learning the tools and concepts that we teach would allow you to achieve a healthy weight, naturally and improve every other area in your life as a byproduct? Or if you are at a healthy weight, teach you the power of consistency and to create an Action Plan that takes you from where you are NOW, to where you WANT to be. Taking responsibility for your life is huge and realizing that life is never happening to you, it's happening thru you.


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Stretch Beyond Impossible

Healthy Warner Transformation Coaches


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